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Why Won't Benton Speak Against Corruption?

Dozens of news reports have detailed the investigations, indictments and corruption of the Illinois Democratic political machine. Multiple Democratic politicians have been either indicted or removed from office. When it comes to the office of Mike Madigan, there is a lot of figurative smoke, leading reasonable Illinoisans to believe that there is fire in the Speaker's office. Speaker Madigan had wielded almost unchecked power for nearly four decades.

Why is this important to anyone running for a State House seat? Because, about 10 minutes after being sworn in, newly minted legislators must vote for Speaker of the House. I have pledged to take a stand against a culture of corruption and once again vote against Michael J. Madigan for Speaker of the House. Given the ongoing investigations that focus on the Madigan organization, their questionable connections to ComEd and their impact on the people of this state, I have asked my opponent in the 2020 election, Harry Benton, to go on the record against this corruption. Benton has refused to denounce Madigan or the actions of others who act on his behalf.

How could that be? Simply put, the influence and money that have been amassed over the decades practices has put the power in the hands of just one individual. Anyone Democratic candidate who dare speak out against him does so at his or her own peril. If this is the power dynamic during the election cycle, is one to think that those same legislators are free to speak their mind or vote for their own District once seated in Springfield? Of course not. Perhaps this is why Benton won't answer a simple question as to whether he would support Madigan for another term as Speaker of the House.

Now, more than ever, it's important to speak out against the wave of malfeasance in Springfield. I am proud of my record on this issue, including helping to introduce real reform legislation in the 2019 Fall Session. In true Springfield fashion, Madigan struck down meaningful reform and passed a fluff bill without the language needed to end the corruption. My opponent, Harry Benton now has the platform to advocate for a culture change, but has declined to do so. This should serve as warning for voters who may consider casting a vote Benton and putting even more power in the hands of the corrupt Political Machine.

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